In 2010 Dr. Miyamoto passed by Petion-Ville High School every day as he traveled to various disaster sites. Because of its construction, Kit considers this school to be one of the most dangerous buildings in Haiti. The large 3-story unreinforced concrete school is built on top of an held up by thin columns. It is difficult to fathom the could withstand the next Haitian earthquake. Haiti is known to experience back-to-back major earthquake disasters. The first earthquake that closed down more then 5,000 schools and killed thousands of children occurred along a minor fault line. Earthquake risk in Haiti is greater today than ever before. Thousands of children are at risk of dying is this school building collapses. Miyamoto Relief developed a technical solution and seismic strengthening plan to safeguard the lives of the 4,000 students and is currently raising construction funds with high hopes of retrofitting the school in 2018.