Miyamoto Relief

28 September 2023

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Recent Success: SESH and USAID/BHA KUAT Collaboration in Indonesia

A group of 13 students from Cal Poly’s Structural Engineering Students for Humanity (SESH) joined the USAID/BHA Komunitas Perkotaan Untuk Aksi Tangguh (KUAT) Activity to identify structural/urban risks in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia in response to recurring floods and the threat of an earthquake in the region. They collaborated with 23 local university students from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Turamanagara University (UNTAR) from August 28th to September 1st, 2023.

“This was my first international trip since joining Miyamoto and it was particularly special to me to go on behalf of Miyamoto Relief in support of the KUAT program,” said Emma Harwood, program coordinator at Miyamoto Relief. “It was incredibly interesting to physically observe and learn about the vernacular construction methods and specificities of Indonesian architectural styles from homeowners, working professionals, and the local engineering students.”

To mitigate climate change impact in the Greater Jakarta region, SESH students conducted surveys to identify major risks in building types. This resulted in the development of retrofitting and rebuilding guidelines for homes and businesses across the region. The USAID/BHA KUAT collaboration provided in-field experience to SESH students on risk reduction practices, community resilience and sustainable urban development.