Category News

16 Feb

Turkey-Syria Earthquake Reveals Building Vulnerabilities

The Turkey-Syria earthquake has revealed that earthquakes are one of the most destructive disasters that can occur on our planet. The earthquake caused widespread damage to infrastructure, buildings, and homes, and resulted in over 36,000 fatalities.

28 Dec

Miyamoto Relief Rebuilds 19 Multi-Family Compounds

For eight weeks, Miyamoto Relief worked alongside the Afghanistan community to train on the processes of building their homes back safer. The MR program sourced local materials and used local construction methods to rebuild the damaged family compounds.

17 Aug

Repairing Damaged Homes in Beirut, Lebanon: A Collaboration Between the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Miyamoto Relief

On August 4, 2020, there was a deadly explosion in Beirut, Lebanon caused by the inadequate storage of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate in the Port of Beirut.

18 Mar

Limited Edition Prints by Renowned Artist Anish Kapoor on Auction to Benefit Ethiopia’s Kara Tribe

Anish Kapoor, named one of the most influential sculptors of his generation, and nonprofit Miyamoto Relief are auctioning limited edition prints to support the Kara Tribe...

2 Oct

The Lebanese Struggle: A Conglomeration of Crises

It has been over 57 days since the massive explosion in Beirut wreaked havoc across the city. Unfortunately, the overall situation has yet to improve.

14 Sep

Help Blast Victims in Beirut Rebuild Their Homes

Last month, a chemical explosion ravaged the Port of Beirut, Lebanon. In just a 5 km radius, homes were flattened, and lives were lost.

2 Oct

Gaddi Baithak wins ENR’s “Project of the Year”

Nepal’s devastating April 2015 earthquake and its many aftershocks killed nearly 9,000 people and destroyed or damaged hundreds of thousands of homes.